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Dev Cell 2006 Dec 01;116:763-74. doi: 10.1016/j.ejphar.2006.10.062.
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Dullard promotes degradation and dephosphorylation of BMP receptors and is required for neural induction.

Satow R , Kurisaki A , Chan TC , Hamazaki TS , Asashima M .

Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) regulate multiple biological processes, including cellular proliferation, adhesion, differentiation, and early development. In Xenopus development, inhibition of the BMP pathway is essential for neural induction. Here, we report that dullard, a gene involved in neural development, functions as a negative regulator of BMP signaling. We show that Dullard promotes the ubiquitin-mediated proteosomal degradation of BMP receptors (BMPRs). Dullard preferentially complexes with the BMP type II receptor (BMPRII) and partially colocalizes with the caveolin-1-positive compartment, suggesting that Dullard promotes BMPR degradation via the lipid raft-caveolar pathway. Dullard also associates with BMP type I receptors and represses the BMP-dependent phosphorylation of the BMP type I receptor. The phosphatase activity of Dullard is essential for the degradation of BMP receptors and neural induction in Xenopus. Together, these observations suggest that Dullard is an essential inhibitor of BMP receptor activation during Xenopus neuralization.

PubMed ID: 17141153
Article link: Dev Cell

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: acvr2a bambi bmp4 bmpr1a bmpr2 cav1 ctdnep1 eea1 eef1a2 eps15 fgf2 mapk1 msx1 myc nodal5.4 prl.2 sdhd smad1 smad2 smad7 smad9 sox15 tbxt ventx1.2 ventx2.2 zeb2 zic3
Antibodies: Mapk1 Ab3 Myc Ab5 Smad1 Ab12 Smad1 Ab5
Morpholinos: ctdnep1 MO2

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