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Dev Biol 1989 Dec 01;1362:321-9. doi: 10.1016/0012-1606(89)90259-5.
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Parthenogenesis in Xenopus eggs injected with centrosomes from synchronized human lymphoid cells.

Tournier F , Karsenti E , Bornens M .

In Xenopus eggs, normal development requires the participation of the centrosome provided by the sperm. Injection of foreign centrosomes purified from exponentially growing mammalian cells enables the eggs to undertake parthenogenesis. In order to know whether such a complementation required centrosomes already committed to duplication, we have prepared centrosomes from human cells synchronized at different stages of the cell cycle (G0, G1, G2). We show that the three types of centrosome possess a similar parthenogenetic activity and conclude that duplication of heterologous centrosome can be triggered in Xenopus eggs.

PubMed ID: 2583369
Article link: Dev Biol