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DNA 1988 Apr 01;73:157-62.
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The primary structure of rat ribosomal protein L18.

Devi KR , Chan YL , Wool IG .

The amino acid sequence of rat ribosomal protein L18 was deduced from the sequence of nucleotides in a recombinant cDNA and confirmed from the amino-terminal amino acid sequence of the protein. Ribosomal protein L18 contains 187 amino acids (the amino-terminal methionine is removed after translation of the mRNA) and has a molecular weight of 21,530. Hybridization of the cDNA to digests of nuclear DNA suggests that there are 10-14 copies of the L18 gene. Rat ribosomal protein L18 is homologous to Xenopus laevis L14; the extent of the identity of the amino acid sequences is 87% and for the nucleotides in the coding region of the DNA it is 76%.

PubMed ID: 3371159

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