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Comp Biochem Physiol A Comp Physiol 1985 Jan 01;814:801-5. doi: 10.1016/0300-9629(85)90910-7.
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Calcium paradox from cyclostome to man: a comparative study.

Poupa O , Helle KB , Lomský M .

In seven poikilotherm species, i.e. cyclostome, Myxine glutinosa; teleosts, Gadus morrhua; Platichtys flesus; amphibia, R. pipiens; R. temporaria; Xenopus laevis; reptiles, Vipera berus. Ca paradox could not be obtained in ventricular strips at 8-12 degrees C. In similar preparations from human atria at 30 degrees C and 37 degrees, Ca paradox was obtained similarly as in other homoiotherms. In homoiotherms, lowered temperature (below 30 degrees C) has a protective effect. Viper myocardium did not display Ca paradox at 12, 22 or 32 degrees C, whereas human myocardium displayed Ca paradox even at 30 C. It is postulated that the absence of Ca paradox in poikilotherms is not due to the low temperature. In hagfish (Myxine glutinosa) the absence of Ca paradox seems to be due to the specific conditions concerning Ca exchange in the myocardial cell (large glycocalyx).

PubMed ID: 2863069
Article link: Comp Biochem Physiol A Comp Physiol