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Zebrafish 2005 Jan 01;21:7-18. doi: 10.1089/zeb.2005.2.7.
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Regionally autonomous segmentation within zebrafish presomitic mesoderm.

Henry CA , Poage CT , McCarthy MB , Campos-Ortega J , Cooper MS .

Similar to chick, mouse, and Xenopus, a number of intercellular signaling pathways are required for zebrafish segmentation. However, the spatial scales over which these signaling pathways operate in zebrafish remain largely unknown. During zebrafish segmentation, waves of her1 transcription (a) initiate within the tailbud region, (b) propagate anteriorly through presomitic mesoderm (PSM), and (c) terminate in the anlage of newly-forming somites. These observations raise the question of whether the tailbud region serves as a "pacemaker" or "organizing center" for the initiation of propagating her1 expression waves. Microsurgical manipulations reveal that the anteriorly waves of her1 transcription are not perturbed by removal of the zebrafish tailbud. Furthermore, expression patterns of deltaD, paraxial protocadherin C (papc), and myoD within recently formed somites also appear to be relatively unperturbed by either removal of the tailbud, or by removal of lateral plate mesoderm. Although dynamic gene networks rapidly specify mesenchymal or epithelial cellular identities within forming somites, this specification is plastic. Time-lapse analysis has shown that the cellular progeny of mitotically-active epithelial border cells within newly formed somites can adopt different cellular identities than their precursor cells. Overall, these results indicate that sustained long-range intercellular communication with the tailbud, anterior somites, or lateral plate mesoderm is not necessary for segmentation or somitogenesis to proceed within the PSM. The basic segmentation and somitogenesis processes in zebrafish presomitic mesoderm appear to be largely regionally autonomous and governed by local morphogenetic cell behaviors.

PubMed ID: 18248175
Article link: Zebrafish

Species referenced: Xenopus
Genes referenced: egfr myod1 pcdh8 pcdh8.2