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Experientia 1982 Mar 15;383:408-9. doi: 10.1007/bf01949421.
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Is there really actin around Xenopus laevis yolk platelets?

Colombo R .

Our previous immunofluorescence experiments (1) on actin localization in Xenopus development showed a fluorescent halo around Xenopus yolk platelets. This fact suggests the presence of a sort of actin covering of the yolk platelet; we have called this structure the 'actin-shell'. In this work, by the use of a DNase I-fluorochrome complex, we were able clearly to demonstrate the presence of the actin-shell around Xenopus yolk platelets. A proposal about the function of the actin-shell is made; its presence could mark the difference between autosynthetic and heterosynthetic eggs.

PubMed ID: 7042383
Article link: Experientia

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: actl6a

References [+] :
CORMACK, Interaction of enzymes with normal and tumour cells. 1961, Pubmed