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Nucleic Acids Res 1985 Dec 20;1324:8999-9009.
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Xenopus ribosomal gene enhancers function when inserted inside the gene they enhance.

Labhart P , Reeder RH .

The ribosomal DNA of Xenopus laevis contains repeated sequence elements in the intergenic spacer region that enhance transcription from the adjacent gene promoter (1,2). Previous work has shown that these RNA polymerase I enhancers influence the target promoter when they are in either orientation, at a distance of several kilobases, and only when they are in cis (3-5). In this work, we further show that enhancer activity is unaffected by inserting the enhancers within the transcription unit whose promoter is being enhanced. In addition, enhancer activity does not interfere with transcription through its sequences. The results suggest that the enhancers act at a point prior to the initiation of transcription and that they are likely to be dispensable once transcription has begun.

PubMed ID: 4080555
PMC ID: PMC318967
Article link: Nucleic Acids Res
Grant support: [+]

References [+] :
Bach, Sequence organization of the spacer in the ribosomal genes of Xenopus clivii and Xenopus borealis. 1981, Pubmed, Xenbase