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Nucleic Acids Res 1987 Mar 25;156:2403-16.
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Properties of a U1 RNA enhancer-like sequence.

Ciliberto G , Palla F , Tebb G , Mattaj IW , Philipson L .

The properties of a X.laevis U1B snRNA gene enhancer have been studied by microinjection in Xenopus oocytes. The enhancer-like sequence, defined as a short DNA stretch that is able to activate transcription in an orientation independent manner, is interchangeable between different U snRNA genes. The enhancer sequence alone does not, however, efficiently activate transcription from an SV40 pol II promoter but regains its activity when combined with the U-gene specific proximal sequence element. DNase I protection experiments show that the X.laevis U1B enhancer can interact specifically with a nuclear factor present in mammalian cells.

PubMed ID: 3031597
PMC ID: PMC340659
Article link: Nucleic Acids Res

References [+] :
Alton, Nucleotide sequence analysis of the chloramphenicol resistance transposon Tn9. , Pubmed