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J Cell Biol 1987 Jul 01;1051:577-87.
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Differential expression of nuclear lamin proteins during chicken development.

Lehner CF , Stick R , Eppenberger HM , Nigg EA .

By immunocytochemistry, quantitative immunoblotting, and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, we have analyzed the distribution of nuclear lamin proteins during chicken embryonic development. Whereas no qualitative differences in the patterns of expression of lamins A, B1, and B2 were observed during gametogenesis in either the female or the male germ line, profound changes in the composition of the nuclear lamina occurred during the development of somatic tissues. Most unexpectedly, early chicken embryos were found to contain little if any lamin A, although they contained substantial amounts of lamins B1 and B2. During embryonic development, lamin A became increasingly prominent, whereas the amounts of lamin B1 decreased in many tissues. Interestingly, the extent and the developmental timing of these changes displayed pronounced tissue-specific variations. Lamin B2 was expressed in fairly constant amounts in all cell types investigated (except for pachytene-stage germ cells). These results have implications for the purported functional specializations of individual lamin proteins. In addition, they suggest that alterations in the composition of the nuclear lamina may be important for the establishment of cell- or tissue-specific differences in nuclear architecture.

PubMed ID: 3301871
PMC ID: PMC2114895

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: lmna lmnb1 lmnb2

References [+] :
Aebi, The nuclear lamina is a meshwork of intermediate-type filaments. , Pubmed, Xenbase