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Mol Cell Biol 1986 Dec 01;612:4585-93.
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Two distant and precisely positioned domains promote transcription of Xenopus laevis rRNA genes: analysis with linker-scanning mutants.

Windle JJ , Sollner-Webb B .

To examine the internal organization of the promoter of the Xenopus laevis rRNA gene, we constructed a series of linker-scanning mutants that traverse the rDNA initiation region. The mutant genes, which have 3 to 11 clustered base substitutions set within an otherwise unaltered rDNA promoter sequence, were injected into Xenopus oocyte nuclei, and their transcriptional capacity was assessed by S1 nuclease analysis of the resultant RNA. The data demonstrate that there are two essential promoter domains, the distal boundaries of which coincide with the promoter boundaries established previously by analysis of 5' and 3' deletion mutants. The upstream promoter domain is relatively small and extends from residues ca. -140 to -128. The downstream domain is considerably larger, encompassing residues ca. -36 to +10, and exactly corresponds in both size and position to the mammalian minimal promoter region. The Xenopus rDNA sequence between these two essential domains has a much smaller effect on the level of transcriptional initiation. In light of the fact that a large portion of this intervening region consists of a segment (residues -114 to -72) that is duplicated many times in the upstream spacer to form an rDNA enhancer sequence, it is noteworthy that a "-115/-77 linker scanner," in which virtually this entire segment is replaced by a polylinker sequence, has full promoter activity in the injected Xenopus borealis oocytes. Analysis of a parallel series of spacing change linker-scanning mutants revealed the unexpected result that the relative positions of the upstream and downstream promoter domains are very critical: all spacing alterations of more than 2 base pairs within this 100-base-pair region virtually abolish promoter activity. We conclude that the factors that bind to these two distant promoter domains must interact in a very precise stereospecific manner.

PubMed ID: 3796610
PMC ID: PMC367243
Article link: Mol Cell Biol
Grant support: [+]

References [+] :
Bakken, Mapping of transcription initiation and termination signals on Xenopus laevis ribosomal DNA. 1982, Pubmed, Xenbase