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Oncogene 1987 Mar 01;11:71-8.
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Cloning and characterization of a cDNA from Xenopus laevis coding for a protein homologous to human and murine p53.

Soussi T , Caron de Fromentel C , Méchali M , May P , Kress M .

A Xenopus laevis oocyte cDNA library was screened with a murine p53 cDNA probe for the presence of p53-related clones. Several such clones were isolated and analysed. The nucleotide sequence of the largest cDNA clone (2.2 kb) showed a high degree of homology with the human (68%) and murine (70%) p53 coding sequences. This clone contains a single large open-reading frame, coding for a protein of 363 amino acids, which is 51% homologous to human p53 and 57% homologous to murine p53. Furthermore, five highly conserved internal regions were found in all three proteins. The three proteins have a highly similar amino acid composition (including, notably, the presence of a high proportion of proline residues), and they display a comparable distribution of charged amino acids and hydropathic index profile. The in vitro transcription-translation products of the X. laevis clone were successfully immunoprecipitated by human anti-p53 sera, demonstrating that there is at least one epitope in common between the X. laevis protein and human, and possibly murine, p53.

PubMed ID: 2830576

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: tp53