1986 Sep 09;2518:5063-9.
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Massive phosphorylation distinguishes Xenopus laevis nucleoplasmin isolated from oocytes or unfertilized eggs.
Nucleoplasmin isolated from unfertilized Xenopus laevis eggs possesses an in vitro chromatin assembly activity which is superior to nucleoplasmin isolated from oocytes. It is demonstrated here that the two forms of the protein differ in the amount of attached phosphate, with the egg protein possessing nearly 20 phosphate groups per protein monomer and the oocyte protein possessing less than 10 phosphate groups per monomer. A kinase preparation from unfertilized eggs is shown to be capable of modifying oocyte nucleoplasmin so that it displays the electrophoretic heterogeneity of egg nucleoplasmin. Furthermore, when the egg protein is treated with phosphatase and repurified, the chromatin assembly activity deteriorates to the level of the oocyte protein.
PubMed ID: 3768332
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Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: npm1