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J Appl Toxicol 1985 Aug 01;54:234-44. doi: 10.1002/jat.2550050405.
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Detection of teratogenic substances in acidic mine water samples using the frog embryo teratogenesis assay--Xenopus (FETAX).

Dawson DA , McCormick CA , Bantle JA .

The FETAX (Frog Embryo Teratogenesis Assay--Xenopus) whole embryo bioassay has been developed to screen for environmental substances that cause birth defects. We have used this assay to test its effectiveness in working with actual water samples from the field. Tar Creek is contaminated by discharges from abandoned lead and zinc mines. In addition to high concentrations of zinc, iron and other metals, water samples are routinely low in pH and oxygen content. The pH values of three Tar Creek sample sites were below the established tolerance limits of the embryos. Therefore, one group of samples had no pH adjustment while a second group had the pH adjusted to 7.0. Two of the four sites contained agents that reduced embryonic growth and caused high rates of mortality. A third site contained teratogenic substances. We have determined that metal content is responsible, along with the low pH, for the biologic effects. We have identified high concentrations of toxic metals in Tar Creek by water analysis and were able to demonstrate, by removing metals via Chelex 100 ion exchange chromatography, that the observed toxicity and teratogenicity were caused by metal ions. We have concluded that FETAX is an excellent test for complex mixtures. Physicochemical parameters, such as pH, oxygen and metals content, can be altered and the effect of these changes on toxicity and teratogenicity determined using FETAX. The interaction of toxic substances and low pH are important when considering embryo survival and development.

PubMed ID: 4045096
Article link: J Appl Toxicol