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Experientia 1980 Apr 15;364:454-6. doi: 10.1007/bf01975144.
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Scanning electron microscopy of cells from hydroxyurea-arrested blastulae of Xenopus laevis.

Kurais AR , Stanisstreet M .

Cells from Xenopus embryos blocked at the blastula stage by treatment with hydroxyurea have been isolated and cultured in vitro. The morphology of these cells has been compared with that of cells from normal embryos using scanning electron microscopy. Cells from such hydroxyurea-blocked embryos do not show the features, or changes in features, in culture shown by cells from normal embryos.

PubMed ID: 7379924
Article link: Experientia

References [+] :
Brachet, Effects of hydroxyurea on development and regeneration. 1967, Pubmed