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Anat Embryol (Berl) 1990 Jan 01;1824:319-27. doi: 10.1007/bf02433492.
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Localization of endogenous galactoside-binding lectin during morphogenesis of Xenopus laevis.

Milos NC , Ma YL , Varma PV , Bering MP , Mohamed Z , Pilarski LM , Frunchak YN .

A monoclonal antibody has been produced against Xenopus laevis galactoside-binding neural-crest-stage lectin. This antibody inhibits lectin-mediated hemagglutination. Using this antibody in conjunction with immunohistochemical techniques, lectin deposition has been studied in embryos and tadpoles at different stages of morphogenesis, from initial neural crest migration, up to the formation of a swimming tadpole. Lectin levels change during development in different regions of the embryo and tadpole, decreasing in migratory cells, and increasing in sites where cells become more adhesive to one another. The results suggest that galactoside-binding lectins may be an important class of cellular adhesion molecules during these stages of development.

PubMed ID: 2123609
Article link: Anat Embryol (Berl)

References [+] :
Barondes, Soluble lectins: a new class of extracellular proteins. 1984, Pubmed