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Trends Biochem Sci 1989 May 01;145:175-8. doi: 10.1016/0968-0004(89)90269-7.
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Expression of ribosomal protein genes and regulation of ribosome biosynthesis in Xenopus development.

Amaldi F , Bozzoni I , Beccari E , Pierandrei-Amaldi P .

Studies on ribosome biosynthesis in developing Xenopus oocytes and embryos, and after microinjection of cloned ribosomal-protein genes, have revealed that the synthesis of ribosomal proteins (r-proteins) is controlled by two types of regulation: (1) a post-transcriptional regulation, operated by feedback of the r-proteins themselves, controls processing and stability of r-protein transcripts and thus the amount of the corresponding mRNA present in the cell; and (2) a translational regulation controls the efficiency of utilization of r-protein mRNA (rp-mRNA) in response to the cellular needs for new ribosomes.

PubMed ID: 2672437
Article link: Trends Biochem Sci