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Eur J Biochem 1983 Apr 15;1321:131-8.
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Post-translational fate of variant MOPC 315 lambda chains in Xenopus oocytes and mouse myeloma cells.

Valle G , Besley J , Williamson AR , Mosmann TR , Colman A .

The post-translational fates of three immunoglobulin lambda chain variants of MOPC 315 were investigated in mouse plasmacytoma cell lines and in mRNA-microinjected Xenopus oocytes. Quite unexpectedly we found that one non-secretory variant chain (lambda-43) underwent extensive post-translational N-glycosylation: however the presence of the oligosaccharide moiety did not account for the nonsecretory phenotype nor did it affect the rate of degradation of this lambda chain. Another variant chain (lambda-47) at first believed to be non-secretory, was found to be secreted from oocytes at a very low level, but mostly as a lambda-lambda dimer. In myeloma cells a low level of lambda-47 chain was secreted and again lambda-lambda dimers were the favoured secretory form. The secretory lambda-48 chain also formed lambda-lambda dimers, whereas lambda-43, which was never secreted, was only found as a monomeric lambda chain in both oocytes and myeloma cells. A similar relationship between assembly and secretion was found when oocytes were coinjected with MOPC 21 heavy (gamma 1) chain mRNA and MOPC 315 lambda chain mRNAs. The wild type lambda chain (lambda-48) was able to assemble with the gamma chain in a covalently bound tetramer (gamma gamma lambda lambda). The variant lambda-47 chain was also able to form gamma gamma lambda lambda tetramers, whereas the lambda-43 was not, even when glycosylation was prevented by tunicamycin. Both types of tetramer were secreted. These data reinforce the idea that conformational changes play a major role in the routing of secretory proteins and that the cellular mechanisms by which these changes are recognized are not cell-type specific.

PubMed ID: 6404626
Article link: Eur J Biochem