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Nucleic Acids Res 1987 Nov 11;1521:8679-91.
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An alternative protein factor which binds the internal promoter of Xenopus 5S ribosomal RNA genes.

Barrett P , Sommerville J .

In small oocytes of Xenopus species, two sets of 5S RNA genes, oocyte-type and somatic-type, are fully activated. The 5S RNA transcripts are temporarily stored, half in association with TFIIIA to form a 7S particle, the other half in association with tRNA and two proteins (p48 and p43) to form a 42S particle. It has been established previously that TFIIIA binds to the internal control region of 5S RNA genes and promotes their transcription. Here we show that protein can be translocated from the 42S particles to 5S RNA genes, but only after treatment of the particles with ribonuclease. Nevertheless, once transferred, stable protein-DNA complexes are formed and DNase-protection experiments show that binding is specific to the gene promoter, covering exactly the same sequence as TFIIIA. The DNA-binding protein is identified as p48 which, after isolation by ion-exchange chromatography, will bind to 5S RNA genes in the absence of ribonuclease.

PubMed ID: 3684570
PMC ID: PMC306398
Article link: Nucleic Acids Res

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: gtf3a mt-tr trna

References [+] :
Barrett, Specific interaction of proteins with 5 S RNA and tRNA in the 42 S storage particle of Xenopus oocytes. 1983, Pubmed, Xenbase