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Cell Biol Int Rep 1984 Mar 01;83:193-205.
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Isolation and functional property of mRNAs coding for human interleukin 2.

Beck HP , Schneider EM , Wallenfels B , Lipps HJ , Schott H , Sonneborn H , Wernet P .

Interleukin 2 (IL 2) is a lymphokine with specific growth promoting properties for activated T cells. The isolation and purification of specific mRNAs coding for this protein is reported. The analysis of total poly A + containing RNA from PHA stimulated T lymphocytes on agarose gels reveals the existence of at least two different IL-2 mRNAs. Isolated RNAs have been microinjected separately into Xenopus laevis oocytes for translation and consecutively the synthesized proteins were tested for activity on alloactivated T cell lines which were dependent on IL-2 for growth. Both RNAs coded for a protein which displayed clearly detectable IL-2 activity.

PubMed ID: 6609779