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J Reprod Dev 2007 Dec 01;536:1151-7. doi: 10.1262/jrd.19055.
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Meiotic resumption of porcine immature oocytes is prevented by ooplasmic Gsalpha functions.

Morikawa M , Seki M , Kume S , Endo T , Nishimura Y , Kano K , Naito K .

A high cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) level in fully-grown immature oocytes prevents meiotic resumption. In Xenopus, inhibitory cAMP is synthesized within oocytes depending on a stimulatory alpha-subunit of G-protein (Gsalpha). In the present study, we examined whether ooplasmic Gsalpha is involved in meiotic arrest of porcine oocytes. First, we studied the presence of Gsalpha molecules in porcine oocytes by immunoblotting, and this suggested the presence of reported isoforms (45 and 48 kDa) not only in cumulus cells but also in porcine oocytes. Then we injected an anti-Gsalpha antibody into porcine immature oocytes and found that inhibition of ooplasmic Gsalpha functions significantly promoted germinal vesicle breakdown of the oocytes, whose spontaneous meiotic resumption was prevented by 3-isobutyl-l-methylxanthine (IBMX) treatment. Although cyclin B synthesis and M-phase promoting factor (MPF) activation were largely prevented until 30 h of culture in IBMX-treated oocytes, injection of anti-Gsalpha antibody into these oocytes partially recovered cyclin B synthesis and activated MPF activity at 30 h. These results suggest that meiotic resumption of porcine oocytes is prevented by ooplasmic Gsalpha, which may stimulate cAMP synthesis within porcine oocytes, and that synthesized cAMP prevents meiotic resumption of oocytes through the signaling pathways involved in MPF activation.

PubMed ID: 17693700
Article link: J Reprod Dev

Genes referenced: camp