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Mol Gen Genet 1979 Jul 02;1741:17-24.
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A study of the organisation of the ribosomal ribonucleic acid gene cluster of Neurospora crassa by means of restriction endonuclease analysis and cloning in bacteriophage lambda.

Cox RA , Peden K .

1. Total Neurospora crassa DNA was restricted with endonucleases and fragments carrying rRNA coding sequences were identified by hybridization with Xenopus laevis ribosomal DNA probes. 2. The repeating unit of the rRNA gene cluster was found to be 8.6 kbp, arranged in a head-to-tail fashion. 3. Digestion with Hind III yielded fragments of 3.4 kbp and 5.2 kbp and both were cloned. 4. Digestion with Eco RI yielded fragments of 2.2 kbp, 3.0 kbp and 3.4 kbp; the 3.0 kbp fragment was cloned. 5. Sequences coding for RNA (S-rRNA)1 of the smaller subribosomal particle were found (at least 90%) in the 2.2 kbp EcoRI subfragment of the 5.2 kbp Hind III fragment. 6. The coding sequences for the major RNA species (L-rRNA) of the larger subribosomal particle were located mainly (at least 95%) in the 3.4 kbp Hind III fragment. 7. For comparison, a Hind III digest of total yeast DNA was cloned and recombinants containing a 6.4 kbp rDNA fragment were isolated.

PubMed ID: 158122

References [+] :
Bell, Ribosomal RNA genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. I. Physical map of the repeating unit and location of the regions coding for 5 S, 5.8 S, 18 S, and 25 S ribosomal RNAs. 1977, Pubmed