1988 Apr 22;2404851:506-9.
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Stimulation of RNA and protein synthesis by intracellular insulin.
Like insulin-sensitive somatic cells, stage IV oocytes from Xenopus laevis increase their synthesis of RNA, protein, and glycogen in response to extracellular insulin. Synthesis of RNA and protein are also increased when oocytes are maintained under paraffin oil and insulin is microinjected into the cytoplasm. The effects of external and intracellular insulin are additive, suggesting separate mechanisms of action. Experiments with nuclei isolated under oil show that RNA synthesis can be stimulated by applying insulin to the nucleus directly. Thus, the nucleus appears to be one intracellular site of hormone action.
PubMed ID: 2451860
Article link: Science
Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: ins