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Cell Differ 1986 Dec 01;194:245-52. doi: 10.1016/0045-6039(86)90101-6.
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Cyclic regulation of cytokinesis in amphibian eggs.

Aimar C , Vilain C , Delarue M , Grant N .

The effects of amphibian egg cytoplasm extracted at different times after activation and during the first four cleavages on cytokinesis were examined. Extracts of artificially activated or fertilized Xenopus or Pleurodeles eggs taken at the time of activation (T = 0) provoked precocious cleavage furrows in Pleurodeles eggs. Between T = 0.25 and T = 0.75 of the first cell cycle, the period corresponding to interphase, an inhibitory effect was found, and the division of injected eggs was delayed up to 30%. After T = 0.75, that is during mitosis, the cleavage induction effect was observed again. These enhancing and inhibitory effects were also found in the two fractions obtained following gel filtration of the cytoplasmic extracts. These experiments support the hypothesis that two antagonistic factors control cytokinesis. The inhibitory factor is active only during interphase, while the positive factor is present during mitosis and appears to regulate cytokinesis.

PubMed ID: 3779848
Article link: Cell Differ