Lab Anim
1980 Jan 01;141:65-9.
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Survey of the numbers and species of amphibia used in the United Kingdom in 1977.
This survey suggests that about 115 000 amphibia, of which more than half were Rana temporaria, were supplied for use in teaching and research in the UK during 1977. As only 27 000 were recorded as being used by universities, polytechnics and research institutes, probably mostly for teaching, it must be assumed that the majority are used for teaching purposes in schools. There has been an increase in the proportion of amphibia supplied by Recognised Suppliers, and also in that being 'purpose-bred' although breeding in the laboratory is still restricted to Xenopus laevis and Ambystoma mexicanum. Probable cost appears to be a deterent to the use of purpose-bred amphibia. A large number of respondents had encountered problems with using amphibia, mainly losses due to 'red leg' and arrival from the supplier in poor condition, probably interrelated.
PubMed ID: 6965743
Article link: Lab Anim