Exp Cell Res
1989 Apr 01;1812:566-73.
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Synacrosomal formation after cell fusion of round spermatids of Xenopus laevis.
Cell fusion was induced by hypotonic medium in pairs of spermatids which were derived from single secondary spermatocytes. In a pair of fused spermatids, a single acrosome (synacrosome) eventually formed whenever the cell fusion was induced during the course of acrosomal formation. Direct observation of the process of synacrosomal formation was made on pairs of fused spermatids which had completed acrosomal formation. Two patterns occurred, namely, fusion of two acrosomes or enlargement of one with diminution of the other. The total volume of the two acrosomes before synacrosomal formation almost equaled the volume of the coalesced synacrosomes in fused spermatids. Neither colchicine nor cytochalasin B prevented synacrosomal formation in spermatids which were fused after each had completed acrosomal formation. These results indicate that neither microtubules nor microfilaments seem to play a role in the formation of a synacrosome in pairs of fused spermatids. However, cycloheximide did inhibit acrosomal formation when present during the early stage of acrosome differentiation in pairs of spermatids which had been fused just after second meiotic division. This fact indicates that acrosomal formation is mediated by some protein(s) which are synthesized during the initial period of acrosomal formation.
PubMed ID: 2647499