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Nucleic Acids Res 1981 Aug 11;915:3835-50.
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Usage of the three termination codons in a single eukaryotic cell, the Xenopus laevis oocyte.

Bienz M , Kubli E , Kohli J , deHenau S , Huez G , Marbaix G , Grosjean H .

Oocytes from Xenopus laevis were injected with purified amber (UAG), ochre (UAA), and opal (UGA) suppressor tRNAs from yeasts. The radioactively labeled proteins translated from the endogenous mRNAs were then separated on two-dimensional gels. All three termination codons are used in a single cell, the Xenopus laevis oocyte. But a surprisingly low number of readthrough polypeptides were observed from the 600 mRNAs studied in comparison to uninjected oocytes. The experimental data are compared with the conclusions obtained from the compilation of all available termination sequences on eukaryotic and prokaryotic mRNAs. This comparison indicates that the apparent resistance of natural termination codons against readthrough, as observed by the microinjection experiments, cannot be explained by tandem or very close second stop codons. Instead it suggests that specific context sequences around the termination codons may play a role in the efficiency of translation termination.

PubMed ID: 7024919
PMC ID: PMC327395
Article link: Nucleic Acids Res

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: mhc1-uaa

References [+] :
Atkins, Normal tRNAs promote ribosomal frameshifting. 1979, Pubmed