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Nature 1985 Jan 31;3136001:364-9.
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Location of functional regions of acetylcholine receptor alpha-subunit by site-directed mutagenesis.

Mishina M , Tobimatsu T , Imoto K , Tanaka K , Fujita Y , Fukuda K , Kurasaki M , Takahashi H , Morimoto Y , Hirose T .

The availability of cloned cDNAs encoding the four subunits of the Torpedo acetylcholine receptor, which can be expressed to make functional receptors in Xenopus oocytes, has made possible a detailed investigation of the functions of the different structural components of the receptor. The functional analysis of receptors with alpha-subunits altered at specific sites by site-directed mutagenesis of the cDNA has allowed the location of specific regions of the alpha-subunit molecule involved in acetylcholine binding and forming a transmembrane ionic channel.

PubMed ID: 3838201