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Mech Dev 2000 Apr 01;922:227-37. doi: 10.1016/s0925-4773(00)00240-9.
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Xenopus frizzled 7 can act in canonical and non-canonical Wnt signaling pathways: implications on early patterning and morphogenesis.

Medina A , Reintsch W , Steinbeisser H .

Here we report the cloning of a Xenopus frizzled transmembrane receptor, Xfz7, and describe its expression pattern during early embryogenesis. Xfz7 mRNA is provided maternally and zygotic transcription peaks in gastrula stages. At that time, transcripts are preferentially localized to the marginal zone and become restricted to distinct regions of the tadpoles in tailbud stages. Overexpression of Xfz7 in embryos perturbs the morphogenesis of trunk and tail, blocks convergence-extension movements in animal caps induced with activin and dorsal lip explants and decreases cadherin-mediated cell adhesion. Xfz7 can interact specifically with Xwnt-8b and signal in the canonical, dorsalizing Wnt pathway. Overexpression of Xfz7 does not trigger the Wnt-1-type pathway but acts in a non-canonical Wnt or morphogenetic-effector pathway involving the activation of protein kinase C (PKC). Xfz7 seems to be involved in different aspects of Wnt signaling during the course of embryogenesis.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 10727861
??? Mech Dev

Species referenced: Xenopus
Genes referenced: chrd fzd7 sia1 tbxt

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