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Nucleic Acids Res 1981 Dec 21;924:6953-8.
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The structure of the yeast ribosomal RNA genes. 4. Complete sequence of the 25 S rRNA gene from Saccharomyces cerevisae.

Georgiev OI , Nikolaev N , Hadjiolov AA , Skryabin KG , Zakharyev VM , Bayev AA .

The complete nucleotide sequence of the 25 S rRNA gene from one rDNA repeating unit of Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been determined. The corresponding 25 S rRNA molecule contains 3392 nucleotides and has an estimated relative molecular mass (Mr, Na-salt) or 1.17 x 10(6). Striking sequence homology is observed with known 5'- and 3'-end terminal segments of L-rRNA from other eukaryotes. Possible models of interaction with 5.8 S rRNA are discussed.

PubMed ID: 6460984
PMC ID: PMC327653
Article link: Nucleic Acids Res

References [+] :
Bayev, The structure of the yeast ribosomal RNA genes. 3. Precise mapping of the 18 S and 25 S rRNA genes and structure of the adjacent regions. 1981, Pubmed