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Biophys J 1981 Dec 01;363:797-802.
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Computer simulation of the effect of the nodal gap resistance on ionic current measurements in the Ranvier node membrane.

Zaciu C , Tripa M , Vasilescu V .

Results are presented of a computer simulation of the effect of the irreducible resistance introduced by the nodal gap, in series with the impedance of the axon membrane. A clamp potential is applied to a structure modeled as an electric circuit composed of a resistance in series with the membrane impedance, and modified nerve equations describing membrane currents are solved to predict the effect of nodal series resistance on these currents. These studies reveal changes in the absolute values and kinetics of the ionic currents (errors greater than 10-20%) for selected values of series resistance.

PubMed ID: 6976803
PMC ID: PMC1327660
Article link: Biophys J

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: nodal nodal1

References [+] :
Cole, Letter: On the measurement of series resistance in giant axon preparations. 1975, Pubmed