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Curr Genomics 2012 Jun 01;134:300-7. doi: 10.2174/138920212800793375.
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Time space translation: a hox mechanism for vertebrate a-p patterning.

Durston A , Wacker S , Bardine N , Jansen H .

The vertebrate A-P axis is a time axis. The head is made first and more and more posterior levels are made at later and later stages. This is different to the situation in most other animals, for example, in Drosophila. Central to this timing is Hox temporal collinearity (see below). This occurs rarely in the animal kingdom but is characteristic of vertebrates and is used to generate the primary axial Hox pattern using time space translation and to integrate successive derived patterns (see below). This is thus a different situation than in Drosophila, where the primary pattern guiding Hox spatial collinearity is generated externally, by the gap and segmentation genes.

PubMed ID: 23204919
PMC ID: PMC3394117
Article link: Curr Genomics

Species referenced: Xenopus
Genes referenced: clock dlc gbx2 gbx2.2 hoxa7 hoxb4 hoxb9 hoxc10 hoxc6 hoxc9-like hoxd1

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References [+] :
Akam, The molecular basis for metameric pattern in the Drosophila embryo. 1987, Pubmed