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Dev Cell 2007 Jan 01;121:129-41. doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2006.10.015.
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Association of Dishevelled with the clathrin AP-2 adaptor is required for Frizzled endocytosis and planar cell polarity signaling.

Yu A , Rual JF , Tamai K , Harada Y , Vidal M , He X , Kirchhausen T .

Upon activation by Wnt, the Frizzled receptor is internalized in a process that requires the recruitment of Dishevelled. We describe a novel interaction between Dishevelled2 (Dvl2) and micro2-adaptin, a subunit of the clathrin adaptor AP-2; this interaction is required to engage activated Frizzled4 with the endocytic machinery and for its internalization. The interaction of Dvl2 with AP-2 requires simultaneous association of the DEP domain and a peptide YHEL motif within Dvl2 with the C terminus of micro2. Dvl2 mutants in the YHEL motif fail to associate with micro2 and AP-2, and prevent Frizzled4 internalization. Corresponding Xenopus Dishevelled mutants show compromised ability to interfere with gastrulation mediated by the planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway. Conversely, a Dvl2 mutant in its DEP domain impaired in PCP signaling exhibits defective AP-2 interaction and prevents the internalization of Frizzled4. We suggest that the direct interaction of Dvl2 with AP-2 is important for Frizzled internalization and Frizzled/PCP signaling.

PubMed ID: 17199046
PMC ID: PMC2831292
Article link: Dev Cell
Grant support: [+]

Species referenced: Xenopus
Genes referenced: cltc dvl2 fzd4 tfap2a

References [+] :
Ariizumi, Dose and time-dependent mesoderm induction and outgrowth formation by activin A in Xenopus laevis. 1991, Pubmed, Xenbase