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Cell 1984 Dec 01;392 Pt 1:321-5.
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Multiple ubiquitin mRNAs during Xenopus laevis development contain tandem repeats of the 76 amino acid coding sequence.

Dworkin-Rastl E , Shrutkowski A , Dworkin MB .

A cDNA clone, pXlgC20, was isolated from a library constructed from poly(A)+ RNA from stage 10 X. laevis gastrulae. This sequence hybridizes with up to nine different RNA species ranging in size from 1600 to 3500 nucleotides, regularly spaced at intervals of about 230 nucleotides. Clone pXlgC20 contains two complete repeats of a 228 bp sequence as well as part of a third repeat, all adjacent and in the same orientation. One possible translational reading frame in pXlgC20 completely spans the repeat sequences, coding for a protein composed of tandem 76 amino acid units. The amino acid sequence of each unit completely matches that of human ubiquitin. Ubiquitin is translated in the form of a multimeric precursor molecule containing several units. We show that genomic DNA fragments exist that contain at least 12 of these units in tandem and propose that the different mRNA size classes vary in their number of ubiquitin coding sequences.

PubMed ID: 6209017
Article link: Cell
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