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Genet Anal Tech Appl 1990 Jun 01;74:80-6. doi: 10.1016/0735-0651(90)90032-b.
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Hybrid selection of mRNA with biotinylated DNA.

Soh J , Pestka S .

A novel, convenient, and highly efficient hybrid selection procedure is described. The method utilizes the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in which one of two primers is biotinylated at the 5'-terminus. The concentration of the biotinylated primer is 100 times that of the other to synthesize biotinylated single-stranded DNA (asymmetric PCR). After hybridization of the biotinylated DNA with mRNA in solution, streptavidin agarose is used to trap the hybrid duplex of mRNA.DNA-biotin onto the solid matrix. The selected mRNA is then eluted from the streptavidin agarose. The quantitative physical recovery of selected mRNA is about 70% with about 33% retention of biological activity.

PubMed ID: 2206601
Article link: Genet Anal Tech Appl
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