1987 Feb 13;483:399-407.
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The events of the midblastula transition in Xenopus are regulated by changes in the cell cycle.
The midblastula transition (MBT) in Xenopus can be initiated prematurely by blocking the fundamental cell-cycle oscillator with cycloheximide, in which case motility and transcription are quickly initiated. Using various inhibitors of specific events of the cell cycle that do not inhibit the autonomous oscillator, we have shown that transcription is activated when DNA synthesis is interrupted and motility is activated when cell cleavage is inhibited. Furthermore, very low levels of transcription are found to occur before the MBT. These results demonstrate that the pre-MBT egg is fully competent for transcription and motility and suggest that different features of the rapid early cell cycle normally suppress these events.
PubMed ID: 3802197
Article link: Cell