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Nucleic Acids Res 2003 Jun 01;3111:2795-802.
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Faithful expression of a tagged Fugu WT1 protein from a genomic transgene in zebrafish: efficient splicing of pufferfish genes in zebrafish but not mice.

Miles CG , Rankin L , Smith SI , Niksic M , Elgar G , Hastie ND .

The teleost fish are widely used as model organisms in vertebrate biology. The compact genome of the pufferfish, Fugu rubripes, has proven a valuable tool in comparative genome analyses, aiding the annotation of mammalian genomes and the identification of conserved regulatory elements, whilst the zebrafish is particularly suited to genetic and developmental studies. We demonstrate that a pufferfish WT1 transgene can be expressed and spliced appropriately in transgenic zebrafish, contrasting with the situation in transgenic mice. By creating both transgenic mice and transgenic zebrafish with the same construct, we show that Fugu RNA is processed correctly in zebrafish but not in mice. Furthermore, we show for the first time that a Fugu genomic construct can produce protein in transgenic zebrafish: a full-length Fugu WT1 transgene with a C-terminal beta-galactosidase fusion is spliced and translated correctly in zebrafish, mimicking the expression of the endogenous WT1 gene. These data demonstrate that the zebrafish:Fugu system is a powerful and convenient tool for dissecting both vertebrate gene regulation and gene function in vivo.

PubMed ID: 12771206
PMC ID: PMC156718
Article link: Nucleic Acids Res

Species referenced: Xenopus
Genes referenced: wt1

References [+] :
Amsterdam, The Aequorea victoria green fluorescent protein can be used as a reporter in live zebrafish embryos. 1995, Pubmed, Xenbase