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Mol Cell Biochem 1984 Sep 01;632:143-8.
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Effect of estrogen on Xenopus laevis albumin mRNA levels.

Zongza-Dimitriadis V , Dimitriadis GJ .

Accurate quantitation of concentrations of albumin mRNA by hybridization to albumin cDNA allows analysis of the estrogen effect on the Xenopus laevis albumin mRNA levels in the liver cytoplasm during the primary stimulation. Administration of estradiol-17 beta to male Xenopus laevis increases the amount of both total cellular RNA and poly(A)-RNA but has no effect on the albumin mRNA level and the amount of albumin mRNA per cell is constant.

PubMed ID: 6493219

References [+] :
Arslanian, On the 4'-phosphopantetheine content of chicken and rat liver fatty acid synthetases. 1976, Pubmed