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Dev Biol 1994 Mar 01;1621:123-33. doi: 10.1006/dbio.1994.1072.
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Expression of magainin antimicrobial peptide genes in the developing granular glands of Xenopus skin and induction by thyroid hormone.

Reilly DS , Tomassini N , Zasloff M .

The granular gland of amphibian skin is an epithelial derivative that first appears during metamorphosis. The granular glands of Xenopus laevis are an abundant source of magainins, a family of peptides with antimicrobial activity in vitro. We demonstrate the developmental expression and thyroid hormone induction of magainin and PGLa (peptide with aminoterminal glycine and carboxyterminal leucinamide), the two most abundant members of the magainin peptide family. Magainin and PGLa mRNA levels increase dramatically over the 2-day period between stage 58 and stage 60 and remain high during the remainder of metamorphosis. We used in situ hybridization to localize magainin and PGLa mRNAs to the developing granular gland. Magainin and PGLa peptides are also first detected during metamorphosis, as demonstrated by extraction of active peptides from stage 60 tadpoles and immunogold histochemical localization of magainin and PGLa to the granules of the skin granular gland. We demonstrate the premature induction of magainin and PGLa expression upon administration of exogenous thyroid hormone to stage 54 tadpoles. Further investigation of the developmental expression and induction of the magainin peptides will provide insight into their possible biological functions during Xenopus metamorphosis.

PubMed ID: 8125181
Article link: Dev Biol
Grant support: [+]

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: magainins pgla

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