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Science 1990 Oct 26;2504980:533-8.
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Biophysical and molecular mechanisms of Shaker potassium channel inactivation.

Hoshi T , Zagotta WN , Aldrich RW .

The potassium channels encoded by the Drosophila Shaker gene activate and inactivate rapidly when the membrane potential becomes more positive. Site-directed mutagenesis and single-channel patch-clamp recording were used to explore the molecular transitions that underlie inactivation in Shaker potassium channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes. A region near the amino terminus with an important role in inactivation has now been identified. The results suggest a model where this region forms a cytoplasmic domain that interacts with the open channel to cause inactivation.

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References :
Barinaga, Playing tetherball in the nervous system. 1990, Pubmed