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J Gen Physiol 2006 Dec 01;1286:745-53. doi: 10.1085/jgp.200609668.
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A dipeptidyl aminopeptidase-like protein remodels gating charge dynamics in Kv4.2 channels.

Dougherty K , Covarrubias M .

Dipeptidyl aminopeptidase-like proteins (DPLPs) interact with Kv4 channels and thereby induce a profound remodeling of activation and inactivation gating. DPLPs are constitutive components of the neuronal Kv4 channel complex, and recent observations have suggested the critical functional role of the single transmembrane segment of these proteins (Zagha, E., A. Ozaita, S.Y. Chang, M.S. Nadal, U. Lin, M.J. Saganich, T. McCormack, K.O. Akinsanya, S.Y. Qi, and B. Rudy. 2005. J. Biol. Chem. 280:18853-18861). However, the underlying mechanism of action is unknown. We hypothesized that a unique interaction between the Kv4.2 channel and a DPLP found in brain (DPPX-S) may remodel the channel's voltage-sensing domain. To test this hypothesis, we implemented a robust experimental system to measure Kv4.2 gating currents and study gating charge dynamics in the absence and presence of DPPX-S. The results demonstrated that coexpression of Kv4.2 and DPPX-S causes a -26 mV parallel shift in the gating charge-voltage (Q-V) relationship. This shift is associated with faster outward movements of the gating charge over a broad range of relevant membrane potentials and accelerated gating charge return upon repolarization. In sharp contrast, DPPX-S had no effect on gating charge movements of the Shaker B Kv channel. We propose that DPPX-S destabilizes resting and intermediate states in the voltage-dependent activation pathway, which promotes the outward gating charge movement. The remodeling of gating charge dynamics may involve specific protein-protein interactions of the DPPX-S's transmembrane segment with the voltage-sensing and pore domains of the Kv4.2 channel. This mechanism may determine the characteristic fast operation of neuronal Kv4 channels in the subthreshold range of membrane potentials.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 17130523
???displayArticle.pmcLink??? PMC2151596
??? J Gen Physiol
???displayArticle.grants??? [+]

Species referenced: Xenopus
Genes referenced: dpp6 kcnd2 tbx2 vsig1

???attribute.lit??? ???
References [+] :
Ahern, Focused electric field across the voltage sensor of potassium channels. 2005, Pubmed, Xenbase