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Development 1990 Sep 01;1101:197-209.
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Distribution and migration pathways of HNK-1-immunoreactive neural crest cells in teleost fish embryos.

Sadaghiani B , Vielkind JR .

Whole mounts and cross-sections of embryos from three species of teleost fish were immunostained with the HNK-1 monoclonal antibody, which recognizes an epitope on migrating neural crest cells. A similar distribution and migration was found in all three species. The crest cells in the head express the HNK-1 epitope after they have segregated from the neural keel. The truncal neural crest cells begin to express the epitope while they still reside in the dorsal region of the neural keel; this has not been observed in other vertebrates. The cephalic and anterior truncal neural crest cells migrate under the ectoderm; the cephalic cells then enter into the gill arches and the anterior truncal cells into the mesentery of the digestive tract where they cease migration. These cephalic and anterior trunk pathways are similar to those described in Xenopus and chick. The neural crest cells of the trunk, after segregation, accumulate in the dorsal wedges between the somites, however, unlike in chick and rat, they do not migrate in the anterior halves of the somites but predominantly between the neural tube and the somites, the major pathway observed in carp and amphibians; some cells migrate over the somites. The HNK-1 staining of whole-mount embryos revealed a structure resembling the Rohon-Beard and extramedullary cells, the primary sensory system in amphibians. Such a system has not been described in fish.

PubMed ID: 1706978

Species referenced: Xenopus
Genes referenced: b3gat1l mindy3