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Biochim Biophys Acta 1982 Jul 30;6981:22-8.
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Synthesis and processing of the dimorphic forms of rat alpha 2u-globulin.

Chatterjee B , Motwani NM , Roy AK .

alpha 2u-Globulin the androgen-dependent male rat urinary protein, can be resolved into two distinct molecular forms by SDS-polyacrylamide slab gel electrophoresis. These two forms designated as alpha 2u-A (M, 18,800) and alpha 2u (Mr 18,100) are found both in urine and in the liver cells. Translation of rat liver mRNA in the rabbit reticulocyte lysate produced two preprotein forms of alpha 2u-globulin, designated as alpha 2uA' (Mr 20,300) and alpha 2uB' (Mr 19,600). Cell-free translation of rat liver mRNA in the presence of dog pancreas microsomal membrane or in Xenopus oocytes produced the two processed forms of alpha 2u-globulin (alpha 2uA and alpha 2uB). Quantitation of alpha 2uA and alpha 2uB within the in vitro translation products of the hepatic mRNA from albino rats of Yale, Sprague-Dawley and Fischer strains showed genetic differences in the proportion of translatable mRNA for alpha 2uA and alpha 2uB. The ratio of alpha 2uA: alpha 2uB in the translation products of liver mRNA from Yale rats was found to be 1:2.5 while in the case of both Sprague-Dawley and Fischer rats, the ratio was 1:4. A small portion of the alpha 2uA and alpha 2uB synthesized in the cultured hepatocytes, in the Xenopus oocytes or in the membrane-supplemented cell-free system appeared as two additional forms, designated as alpha 2uA" (Mr 21,200) and alpha 2uB" (Mr 20,600). Unlike alpha 2uA and alpha 2uB both alpha 2uA" and alpha 2uB" were found to bind to Con A-Sepharose, suggesting their glycoprotein nature.

PubMed ID: 6180765
Article link: Biochim Biophys Acta
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