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J Neurosci 2012 Sep 12;3237:12915-20. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2050-12.2012.
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Stoichiometry of the human glycine receptor revealed by direct subunit counting.

Durisic N , Godin AG , Wever CM , Heyes CD , Lakadamyali M , Dent JA .

The subunit stoichiometry of heteromeric glycine-gated channels determines fundamental properties of these key inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors; however, the ratio of α1- to β-subunits per receptor remains controversial. We used single-molecule imaging and stepwise photobleaching in Xenopus oocytes to directly determine the subunit stoichiometry of a glycine receptor to be 3α1:2β. This approach allowed us to determine the receptor stoichiometry in mixed populations consisting of both heteromeric and homomeric channels, additionally revealing the quantitative proportions for the two populations.

PubMed ID: 22973015
PMC ID: PMC3475605
Article link: J Neurosci
Grant support: [+]

References [+] :
Aprison, The distribution of glycine in cat spinal cord and roots. 1965, Pubmed