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EMBO J 1990 Apr 01;94:1237-44. doi: 10.1002/j.1460-2075.1990.tb08231.x.
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Multiple domains of U1 snRNA, including U1 specific protein binding sites, are required for splicing.

Hamm J , Dathan NA , Scherly D , Mattaj IW .

Domains of U1 snRNA which are functionally important have been identified using a splicing complementation assay in Xenopus oocytes. Mutations in, and deletions of, all three of the hairpin loop structures near the 5' end of the RNA are strongly deleterious. Similarly, mutation of the Sm binding site abolishes complementation activity. Analysis of the protein binding properties of the mutant U1 snRNAs reveals that three of the functionally important domains, the first two hairpin loops and the Sm binding site, are required for interaction with U1 snRNP proteins. The fourth functionally important domain does not detectably affect snRNP protein binding and is not evolutionarily conserved. All of the deleterious mutations are shown to have similar effects on in vivo splicing complex formation.

PubMed ID: 2138978
PMC ID: PMC551800
Article link: EMBO J

References [+] :
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