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Chromosoma 1990 Oct 01;996:379-90. doi: 10.1007/bf01726689.
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Characterization of a second highly conserved B-type lamin present in cells previously thought to contain only a single B-type lamin.

Höger TH , Zatloukal K , Waizenegger I , Krohne G .

Previous analyses of the nuclear lamina of mammalian cells have revealed three major protein components (lamins A, B and C) that have been identified by protein sequence homology as members of the intermediate filament (IF) protein family. It has been claimed that mammalian cells contain either all three lamins or lamin B alone. Using monoclonal antibodies specific for B-type lamins and cDNA cloning we identified a second major mammalian B-type lamin (murine lamin B2), thus showing that lamin composition in mammals is more complex than previously thought. Lamin B2 is coexpressed with lamin B1 (formerly termed lamin B) in all somatic cells and mammalian species that we analysed, including a variety of cells currently believed to contain only a single lamin. This suggests that two B-type lamins are necessary to form a functional lamina in mammalian somatic cells. By cDNA cloning we found that Xenopus laevis lamin LII is the amphibian homolog of mammalian lamin B2. Lamin expression during embryogenesis of amphibians and mammals shows striking similarities. The first lamins expressed in the early embryo are the two B-type lamins, while A-type lamins are only detected much later in development. These findings indicate that the genomic differentiation into two B-type lamins occurred early in vertebrate evolution and has been maintained in both their primary structure and pattern of expression.

PubMed ID: 2102682
Article link: Chromosoma

Antibodies: Lmnb2 Ab1 Lmnb2 Ab4

References [+] :
Aebi, The nuclear lamina is a meshwork of intermediate-type filaments. , Pubmed, Xenbase