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J Parasitol 1986 Dec 01;726:865-74.
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Isolation of a neurotoxin from the salivary glands of female Rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi.

Viljoen GJ , Bezuidenhout JD , Oberem PT , Vermeulen NM , Visser L , Gothe R , Neitz AW .

A quantitative study of the changes in the protein pattern of the salivary glands of female Rhipicephalus evertsi evertsi during the entire repletion process was undertaken. These results, in conjunction with the previously determined toxic phase, indicated the presence of a toxic protein. The development of a sensitive in vitro assay using a Xenopus nerve-muscle preparation, made it possible to identify toxic phases during feeding and to assay fractions of salivary gland extracts during toxin isolation. Sufficient amounts of electrophoretically and chromatographically homogeneous toxin could be obtained through the use of chromatofocusing, enabling its characterization with respect to molecular weight (68 kDa; determined by gel permeation chromatography), pI (6.00), and amino acid composition. The toxin was inactivated by pronase digestion as well as by antiserum.

PubMed ID: 3819963