Cell Differ
1984 Apr 01;141:1-5.
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Immunologic reactivity to TNP-Ficoll during development and ageing in Xenopus laevis, the South African clawed toad.
The immunological response of Xenopus laevis to haptenated Ficoll was examined throughout development. The capacity to respond to TNP-Ficoll originated with the first appearance (at stage 48, 8 days post-fertilisation) of mature thymic lymphocytes, and preceded the ability to respond to heterologous erythrocytes. During premetamorphosis the response increased, while during prometamorphosis , particularly at stages 57-58, there was a marked reduction. The response recovered during the metamorphic climax and immature adult stages, increasing further at the onset of sexual maturity. The reduced response during prometamorphosis parallels the reported reduction in other thymus-dependent responses.
PubMed ID: 6609773
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