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Development 1989 Feb 01;1052:299-307.
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Expression of intermediate filament proteins during development of Xenopus laevis. II. Identification and molecular characterization of desmin.

Herrmann H , Fouquet B , Franke WW .

During embryogenesis of avian and mammalian species the formation of intermediate filaments (IFs) containing desmin is characteristic for myogenesis. In view of important differences of patterns of IF protein expression in embryogenic pathways of amphibia on the one hand and birds and mammals on the other, we have decided to study the expression of desmin during early embryogenesis of Xenopus laevis by cDNA hybridization and antibody reactions. Here we describe the isolation of a cDNA clone encoding Xenopus desmin and the deduced amino acid sequence (458 residues; Mr 52,800) which displays a very high degree of conservation during vertebrate evolution from Xenopus to chicken and hamster, with a similar degree of sequence divergence between all three species compared. In addition, we have noted, by both cDNA-hybrid-selection-translation and immunoblotting of cytoskeletal proteins a second desmin-related polypeptide of Mr approximately 49,000. RNA (Northern) blot analyses show the occurrence of three different desmin mRNAs (1.9, 2.6 and 3.0 kb) which seem to represent different polyadenylation sites, displaying quantitative differences in different kinds of muscle tissues. During embryogenesis, desmin mRNA has first been detected in stage-14 embryos and then increases drastically to high levels at stage 18 and thereafter. Immunofluorescence microscopy using desmin-specific antibodies shows that this synthesis of desmin is restricted to somite tissue. The embryonic time course of synthesis of desmin and desmin mRNA is discussed in relation to those of other muscle proteins.

PubMed ID: 2806128

Species referenced: Xenopus laevis
Genes referenced: actl6a alb ncoa5 tbx2 vim
Antibodies: Krt Ab2

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