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Biochim Biophys Acta 1982 Oct 29;6991:15-21.
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Hypersensitivity of DNA in transcriptionally active chromatin to ionizing radiation.

Chiu SM , Oleinick NL , Friedman LR , Stambrook PJ .

We have examined the size distribution of single-strand fragments of total 3H-labeled DNA and of DNA sequences complementary to specific probes in gamma-irradiated and unirradiated mouse L929 cells. Those DNA sequences which hybridize to rDNA or to poly(A+)RNA have lower number average molecular weights and sustain 5--6-times the number of single-strand breaks as do satellite DNA sequences or the bulk DNA. We therefore conclude that transcriptionally active DNA sequences are more susceptible to ionizing radiation-induced damage than are inactive sequences, and suggest that these differential susceptibilities are a likely consequence of differences in their chromatin organization.

PubMed ID: 6184074
Article link: Biochim Biophys Acta
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