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Vision Res 1988 Jan 01;289:959-64.
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Formation of visual pigment chromophores during the development of Xenopus laevis.

Azuma M , Seki T , Fujishita S .

Retinoids in the eyes of Xenopus laevis at several developmental stages, were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). At stage 37/38, larval eyes contained mainly all-trans isomers of retinal, 3-dehydroretinal, retinyl ester and 3-dehydroretinyl ester. Ratios of all-trans 3-dehydroretinal to retinal and of all-trans 3-dehydroretinyl ester to retinyl ester were almost 1 at the stage. With the advance of development, the amounts of all-trans retinal and 3-dehydroretinal decreased; however, those of all-trans retinyl ester and 3-dehydroretinyl ester increased. The chromophores of visual pigments, 11-cis retinal and 3-dehydroretinal, were detected at stage 40 (total; 0.2 pmol/eye) and their amounts increased after that stage. The ratio of 11-cis 3-dehydroretinal to retinal was almost 1 at stages 40-42. The ratio became larger after stage 43 and was almost 19 at stage 46. The ratio of all-trans 3-dehydroretinyl ester to retinyl ester, also, increased after stage 42 and reached 11 at stage 46. The mechanism of 11-cis formation during development is discussed in relation to retinoid conversions in the eyes.

PubMed ID: 3254649